Home / News / Tip on Using a Rubber Hot Air Oven
Author: Baina Date: Aug 21, 2020

Tip on Using a Rubber Hot Air Oven

Are you excited to bring variety to the table by using the air frying feature on your new Frigidaire appliance? Enjoy these helpful tips on how to get the most from your rubber hot air oven.

How does an air fryer oven work?

Air fry is an oven feature that works like a countertop air fryer. Inside an air fryer oven, super-heated air circulates around the food to provide crispy, golden results without all the oil that deep-frying requires.

Air fryer ovens like the Frigidaire Gallery 30” Front Control Induction Range With Air Fry eliminate the need for another countertop appliance by putting the same technology right in your oven.

What type of cookware is best for air frying?

Air frying works best with a dark, non-stick baking sheet with low sides. For quicker, crispier results, try the ReadyCook™ Air Fry tray. The Air Fry Tray lets air circulate all around each piece of food, so it’s crunchy even on the bottom.

What foods can be cooked in an air fryer oven?

You can use the air fry setting on your oven for most foods that can traditionally be deep-fried. Some of our favorite recipes include:

Chicken wings, chicken nuggets or pizza bites
French fries, onion rings or sweet potato fries
Brussel sprouts, kale, or zucchini fries

Can you cook battered food in an air fryer oven?

Crispy food needs enough oil to bind batters and coatings, but not too much or you'll end up with soggy results. If the food has a crumbly or floury outside texture, try spraying it with a little bit more oil.

If you're making air fried food from scratch, spray your homemade items with a light coating of oil (too much and the food won't get crispy) and arrange foods so the hot air circulates around each piece as much as possible.

Can you use olive oil while air frying?

Using cooking oils that can stand up to high temperatures is key while air frying, so avocado, grapeseed, and peanut oil are great for achieving crispy goodness. For best results, brush on lightly or spray an even coat of cooking spray made from these oils. Extra virgin olive oil is not an air fry-friendly oil due to its low smoke point, but extra light olive oil can be used for air frying because of its high smoke point. Other types of olive oil and some vegetable oils smoke at lower temperatures, meaning they will cause food to dry up quickly and prevent them from getting crispy.

Can you use aluminum foil in an air fryer oven?

Air fry works best on dark pans because they get and stay hot very quickly. Shiny foil reflects heat off the bakeware, which may change your results. When cooking with the Air fry Tray, we suggest putting a baking sheet on a rack a couple of positions below your tray. You can line that sheet with foil or parchment (or both) to catch any drips or crumbs, but you should never put aluminum foil, liners, or bakeware on the oven bottom. Items in this location can cause issues with air circulation and direct heat in any oven. Always keep the bottom of the oven clear so the air can circulate properly.

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