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  • 16 Dec’ 2020
    How to Repair Rubber Extruder Machine?

    We know that rubber extruder machine plays a role in extrusion molding in the production of rubber products, and many rubber products will use rubber extruders for extrusion production. However, it is not to say that the design requirements of all rubber extruders are the same. When choosing a rubb...

  • 09 Dec’ 2020
    What is the Difference Between a Silicone Extruder and a Rubber Extruder Machine?

       Silicone extruder    is used for the extrusion of silicone materials. It is a basic equipment in the silicone industry and plays a very important role in the fields of silicone products and LED light strips. It is mainly composed of power motor, reduction box, speed controller, feed port, extrusi...

  • 02 Dec’ 2020
    Basic Strcture of Rubber Extruder Machine

    1. Barrel   The barrel cooperates with the screw during work, so that the rubber material is subject to the interaction of the inner wall of the barrel and the rotating screw to ensure that the rubber material moves and mixes under pressure. Usually it also plays a role in heat exchange. 2. Screw   ...

  • 25 Nov’ 2020
    Production Method of Rubber Extruder Machine

    The rubber extruder machine mainly plays the role of extrusion molding in the production of rubber products, that is to say, the rubber extruder processes the banburying and smelting rubber and then extrudes it into the product shape we need. Produced the production of the product. The feeding syst...

  • 18 Nov’ 2020
    Price of Rubber Extruder Is Influnced By These Factors

    In the production of rubber products, an indispensable equipment is the rubber extruder. Therefore, if you are a rubber manufacturing company, it is necessary to purchase such a piece of equipment, and its price has naturally become a frequent concern for many users Focus on the topic, in fact, the ...

  • 11 Nov’ 2020
    What Are Detailed Parts of Rubber Extruder Machine?

    Composition, in the rubber extruder machine, in general, the most basic and most common is a single screw extruder. It mainly includes six parts: transmission, feeding device, barrel, screw, head and die. Transmission part The transmission part is usually composed of a motor, a reduction box and a b...

  • 04 Nov’ 2020
    Pricing of Rubber Extruder

    The rubber extruder play an important role in the production of rubber products. Many of our common rubber products are extruded by rubber extruders. When we purchase a rubber extruder, we must choose the configuration and model of the rubber extruder according to the type of product. When we purch...

  • 28 Oct’ 2020
    Learn Types of Rubber Extruder Machine

    Many types of rubber extruder machine are used in the food industries and several designs are possible for a food extruder. The most commonly used extruder consists of the flighted screw(s) or worm(s) rotating within a sleeve or barrel to be termed as the screw extruder. However, the piston type ext...

  • 21 Oct’ 2020
    Extrusion System of Twin Screw Rubber Extruder Machine

    Twin screw rubber extruder machine has three different extrusion systems:   1, non-intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extrusion system    In the non-intermeshing twin-screw extrusion system, in addition to the movement form towards the machine head, there are also many flow modes for the material....

  • 14 Oct’ 2020
    What Type of Rubber Extruder Machine Do You Need?

    All extrusion processes require the generation of pressure within the material to be extruded. When materials are put under pressure heat is generated. This cannot be avoided but different extrusion types generate different amounts of heat. There are basically three different types of rubber extrude...

  • 14 Oct’ 2020
    What Causes the Rubber Extruder Barrel to Move in An Eccentric Fashion?

    The rubber extruder barrel is normally supported in some way by the frame on which the whole system is mounted. If the extruder barrel moves, and this can happen sometimes even when the barrel is supported, it can indicate that the extruder shaft is bent, the barrel is misaligned, or a combination o...

  • 09 Oct’ 2020
    You Can Debug Rubber Extruder In These Steps

    The steps of rubber extruder debugging are as follows:    1. The temperature control check should be done before starting to make sure that the temperature control is normal, the instrument is normal, and the cooling water circuit is unblocked.   2. The screw, barrel and die of the rubber extruder n...